Berlin is the capital of one of the most developed countries in Europe. By right, the city can be called the multicultural center of the world. Fantastic views and unusual contrasts that cause surprise and envy – a unique visiting card of Berlin.
Берлин – столица одной из самых развитых стран Европы. Город по праву можно назвать поликультурным центром мира. Фантастические виды и непривычные контрасты, вызывающие удивление и зависть – своеобразная визитная карточка Берлина.

Geography and climate
Berlin is located in eastern Germany on the banks of the Spree River, not far from the border with Poland. The city is located in a valley formed by glaciers between moraine hills.
The climate of Berlin is moderate, combining some maritime and continental features in the village. The average temperature is 9-10 degrees. About 600 mm of precipitation falls per year. The warmest months are July and August with an average temperature of 18-20 degrees. Самый холодный месяц January with temperature around zero. The snow cover is unstable, the winter is quite mild. Mostly, the western winds prevail.

Berlin has been multicultural since ancient times. Even in the pre-Christian era, Germanic, Frankish and Slavic tribes lived on its territory. Berlin is a city relatively young by European standards. It arose at the beginning of the 14th century as a result of the merger of the city of Cologne, located on the island of the river Spree, and the city of Berlin, on its eastern bank. These settlements are mentioned already in the first half of the 13th century. Interestingly, until the 17th century, Berlin was a small city with a population of about 10,000 inhabitants.
According to the most common version, the name of the city came from the West Slavic word “berl”, which means bear. Bear is also a symbol of Berlin practically since its foundation.