
Prague (Czech Republic) – the most detailed information about the city with photos and videos. The best sights of Prague with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Prague (Czech Republic)
Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and the largest city in the country, located in the heart of Europe on the banks of the Vltava River in the historical region of Bohemia. Prague is one of the most beautiful cities on the continent with a rich architectural, cultural and historical heritage spanning more than 10 centuries. The historical center of the capital of the Czech Republic is included in the list of World Heritage Sites and has been preserved in amazing condition. The old town of Prague has a special atmosphere and includes dozens of exciting sights, representing an interweaving of pretty medieval streets and old buildings with red tiled roofs.

Prague is often referred to as the “city of a hundred spiers” and the adjective “golden” is used. The capital of the Czech Republic is famous for its amazing atmosphere, saturated with the aromas of pastries, traditional cuisine and beer, Gothic architecture, Baroque palaces, green parks, cozy pubs and historical flavor. The main center of attraction for tourists and the concentration of almost all the main attractions of Prague is the Old Town, which includes the districts: Stare Mesto, Mala Strana and Vysehrad. Here are the main treasures of the Czech capital: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Vysehrad Fortress, Old Town Square with the Town Hall and the Tyn Church, as well as dozens of other equally interesting monuments.

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Prague is famous for its magnificent architecture from Gothic and Baroque to Art Nouveau, being one of the most beautiful and diverse (architecturally) cities in Europe. Among the main architectural sights are 18 magnificent stone and steel bridges connecting the banks of the Vltava. One of the most beautiful and oldest stone bridges in the world is Charles Bridge, a work of medieval architecture. The masterpiece of European Gothic architecture is St. Vitus Cathedral, which took almost 600 years to build. Among other architectural monuments stand out: the Tyn Church on the Old Town Square, the Old Town Hall with an astronomical clock, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul on Vysehrad, Powder Tower, Clementium.

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