Tiny Fishing

Not only fishing lovers will appreciate the game Tiny Fishing. Even those who are far from the secrets of feeding, types of spinning rods, fishing rods, hooks, spinners and other attributes of fishing will enjoy playing our virtual fishing. Go to the river and there you will meet an experienced fisherman who is sitting in a boat and taking a nap. With your help, his sleep will go far and for a long time, because the hot season will begin, when you will need to carry whole packs of fish. Let’s start with the fact that our hooks are capable of hooking several fish of different sizes and types at once in one cast, and in addition to fish, you can pull out jellyfish and even treasure chests, but this is for the dexterous and lucky ones. Carrying fish and playing, you earn money that you need to spend wisely on increasing the capacity of the hook, on the length of the fishing line or on the profitability of the aquarium. Each new type of fish caught will go to your aquarium, and there they will passively earn money for you. Unlock new hooks and increase the chance to catch even more during the game.